Rating Rationale
January 10, 2025 | Mumbai

Shriram Finance Limited
Rated amount enhanced for Bank Debt


Rating Action

Total Bank Loan Facilities Rated

Rs.65743 Crore (Enhanced from Rs.63243 Crore)

Long Term Rating

Crisil AA+/Stable (Reaffirmed)

Short Term Rating

Crisil A1+ (Reaffirmed)


Rs.10000 Crore Non Convertible Debentures

Crisil AA+/Stable (Reaffirmed)

Rs.8000 Crore Non Convertible Debentures

Crisil AA+/Stable (Reaffirmed)

Rs.1000 Crore Subordinated Debt

Crisil AA+/Stable (Reaffirmed)

Rs.10500 Crore Commercial Paper

Crisil A1+ (Reaffirmed)

Long Term Principal Protected Market Linked Debentures Aggregating Rs.1618.7 Crore (Reduced from Rs.2598.6 Crore)

Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable (Reaffirmed)

Non Convertible Debentures Aggregating Rs.25806.65 Crore

Crisil AA+/Stable (Reaffirmed)

Subordinated Debt Aggregating Rs.3080.31 Crore

Crisil AA+/Stable (Reaffirmed)

Note: None of the Directors on CRISIL Ratings Limited’s Board are members of rating committee and thus do not participate in discussion or assignment of any ratings. The Board of Directors also does not discuss any ratings at its meetings.

1 crore = 10 million   

Refer to annexure for Details of Instruments & Bank Facilities


Detailed Rationale

Crisil Ratings has reaffirmed its ‘Crisil AA+/Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable/Crisil A1+’ ratings on the debt instruments and bank facilities of Shriram Finance Limited (SFL). Bank loans limit has been enhanced by Rs 2500 crore.


Crisil Ratings has also withdrawn its rating on redeemed long-term principal protected market linked debentures of Rs. 979.9 crore and Rs 550 crore Subordinate Debt (see ‘Annexure - Details of Rating Withdrawn’ for details) at the client’s request and on receipt of requisite documentation. The withdrawal is in line with the Crisil Ratings’ policy on withdrawal of ratings.


The ratings continue to reflect SFL's market leadership in the overall NBFC ecosystem, especially pre-owned commercial vehicle (CV) financing segment, comfortable capitalisation as well as adequate earnings profile. These strengths are partly offset by the company's average yet improving asset quality and resource profile.


On December 11, 2024, following receipt of necessary approvals SFL announced consummation of the sale of its 84.44% holding in Shriram Housing Finance Limited (Ltd) to Mango Crest Investment Ltd (an affiliate of Warburg Pincus).  As a result, SHFL now ceases to be a subsidiary of SFL.

Analytical Approach

Crisil Ratings has considered the consolidated financial and business risk profiles of SFL, and its associate Shriram Automall Limited. Prior to stake sale, a combined analytical approach was considered which included SHFL.


Please refer Annexure - List of Entities Consolidated, which captures the list of entities considered and their analytical treatment of consolidation

Key Rating Drivers & Detailed Description


Market leadership in overall NBFC ecosystem

SFL is the second largest retail NBFC in India and third largest non-bank financier (including HFCs) with consolidated assets under management (AUM) of Rs 2,58,279 crore as on September 30, 2024 (2,38,624 crore as on March 31, 2024). The standalone AUM stood at Rs 2,43,043 crore as on September 30, 2024 (Rs 2,24,862 crore as on March 31, 2024). While CV financing shall remain the key product segment, the company is also focusing on growing its other higher yielding product segments like passenger vehicle finance, two-wheeler, gold loans, MSME etc. The standalone AUM as of September 30, 2024, comprised commercial vehicle (46.20%), passenger vehicle (20.2%), MSME (13.3%), construction equipment (7.3%), two-wheeler (5.4%) and others.


The company is expected to continue to retain its predominant market position in the pre-owned CV financing business and the SME loan segment. This is because of the strong and sustainable competitive advantage of the company through deep understanding of the borrower profile and their credit behaviour. They have done so by building a scalable operating model, extensive reach and strong valuation capabilities of pre-owned vehicles. The company faces limited competition from other organized financiers, including banks, in this segment, due to inherent riskiness of the target product and the customer profile. In the SME loan segment, the company is a leading financier among retail NBFCs. The company has grown significantly in the unique space created from its legacy chit fund ecosystem.


Overall, Crisil Ratings believes that SFL has strong structural advantages over its peers, which will support its growth plans and help it maintain a leadership position over the medium term. Nevertheless, company’s ability to continue to scale up operations remains a key monitorable.


Comfortable capitalisation

SFL’s capitalisation remains adequate with consolidated networth of Rs 53,142 crore and gearing of 3.9 times as on September 30, 2024 (Rs 49,677 crore and gearing of 3.9 times as on March 31, 2024). On a standalone basis, its networth was Rs 52,136 crore and gearing of 4 times as on September 30, 2024 (48,568 crore and gearing was 3.8 times as on the same date).


The company had last raised capital in fiscal 2022 through issue of equity shares through qualified institutional placement of shares and preferential issue of shares to promoters, aggregating to Rs 2,479 crore (net of issue expenses). On a consolidated basis, the networth to net NPA ratio improved to 8.5x as on September 30, 2024 (8.3x as on March 31, 2024). The overall capital adequacy ratio and tier 1 capital ratio of SFL remained comfortable at 20.16% and 19.36% respectively as on September 30, 2024.


Crisil Ratings believes that the capitalisation profile will remain comfortable over the medium term, given the demonstrated ability to access markets. Moreover, Crisil Ratings takes note of the company’s announcement regarding sale of its entire stake of 84.44% in SHFL to Mango Crest Investments Ltd (an entity affiliated with Warburg Pincus LLC) at a purchase consideration of Rs 3,929 crore. This should further aid capitalisation profile of SFL.


Adequate earnings profile

SFL’s earning profile has improved over the years benefitting from merger synergies, strong growth in AUM, stable margins and reduced credit costs. The company reported Return on Managed Assets (RoMA) of 3.1% (consolidated) for the first half of fiscal 2025 against 3.1% for fiscal 2024 and 3.0% for fiscal 2023 (2.0% for fiscal 2022 i.e. pre-merger). The consolidated net profit after tax was Rs 4,184 crore for the first half of fiscal 2025 against Rs 7,399 crore for fiscal 2024 and Rs 6,020 crore for fiscal 2023.


On a standalone basis, the ROMA was 3.2% in first half of fiscal 2025 and 3.2% in fiscal 2024 as well, against 3.4% in fiscal 2023 (2% in fiscal 2022 pre-merger). The company’s profitability is primarily supported by reduction in credit costs to 1.9% in first half of fiscal 2025 from 2.0% and 2.4% in fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2023 (2.8% in fiscal 2022) supported improved asset quality.


The company’s Net Interest margin (NIM; on own book) remained range bound at 9.3% in  first half of fiscal 2025 against 9.4% in fiscal 2024 after dropping from 10.4% in fiscal 2023 (7.4% in fiscal 2022; pre-merger). The NIM benefit in fiscal 2023 owning to change in product mix on merger with Shriram City Union Finance was largely set off by increase in opex to 2.7% in fiscal 2023 (1.6% in fiscal 2022), however it remained rangebound at 2.8% in first half of fiscal 2025 against 2.7% in fiscal 2024.


Going forward, the company’s ability to maintain NIM and contain credit cost will be key to overall profitability.



Exposure to inherent asset quality-related challenges arising from lending to borrowers with modest credit profile

The asset quality metrics for SFL have been elevated over the past several years given the fact that the company largely caters to borrowers with modest credit profile and relatively under-banked customers. It has been improving each quarter with SFL reporting Gross Stage 3 (GS3) ratio of 5.32% (standalone basis) as on September 30, 2024, against 5.45% as on March 31, 2024 (6.21% as on March 31, 2023).  This is due to lower slippages and higher reductions including write-offs. The GS3 ratio as on September 30, 2024 was 5.78% for CV segment, 5.19% for passenger vehicles, 6.34% for construction equipment, 8.86% for farm equipment, 4.64% for MSME financing, 3.08% for two-wheeler, 1.95% for gold loans and 4.45% for personal loans. The overall Net Stage 3 was 2.64% as on September 30, 2024, and March 31, 2024 (3.19% as on March 31, 2023).


Crisil Ratings notes SFL and erstwhile SCUF have displayed ability in the past to ultimately recover from delinquent accounts, even post loan maturity date. Further, the restructured portfolio for the company was also negligible at sub 1% as on September 30, 2024. However, ability to scale up the portfolio whilst improving asset quality metrics remains a key monitorable. Nevertheless, company’s long track record in its business segments, understanding of the target customer segment and relationship-based lending model should support the asset quality metrics.


Average, albeit improving resource profile

SFL has an average, though improving, resource profile. SFL has an established track record in raising funds from the markets and also being able to tap retail borrowings, which helps diversify its resource profile. The share of public deposits increased to 24.2% as on September 30, 2024, from 23.9% as on March 31, 2024 and 19% as on March 31, 2022. Furthermore, the company has also been tapping the External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) route which adds diversity to its resource profile, with the latest issuance in December 2024 of USD 1.277 billion equivalent in multiple currencies, including USD, EUR, and AED. The company had also raised USD 468 million in June 2024 and USD 750 million social bonds in January 2024.


However, the cost of borrowings is relatively higher than peers. The ability to trim down borrowing costs from the current levels and diversify further into the domestic capital market will be key to support the earnings profile. Also, the ability of SFL to now consistently raise resources from traditional routes of term loans and capital market instruments at optimal costs remains a key monitorable.

Liquidity: Strong

The structural asset liability maturity (ALM) statement of SFL as on September 30, 2024, shows that ALM position is adequate with cumulative positive gaps upto the 1-year bucket indicating that business inflows also support repayments. As of September, 30, 2024, SFL had liquidity of Rs 15,229 crore (comprising of cash and equivalents and unutilized CC/WCDL lines) which comfortably covers 2 months of debt obligations. The liquidity coverage ratio was 234.61% as of September 30,2024.


ESG Profile

Crisil Ratings believes that SFL’s ESG profile supports its already strong credit risk profile.


The ESG profile for financial sector entities typically factors in governance as a key differentiator. The sector has reasonable social impact because of its substantial employee and customer base, and it can play a key role in promoting financial inclusion. While the sector does not have a direct adverse environmental impact, the lending decisions may have a bearing on the environment.


SFL has a continuous focus on strengthening various aspects of its ESG profile.


Key ESG highlights:

  • The Company is planning to contribute towards growing demand of EVs and is working towards financing electric vehicles in the two-wheeler segment.
  • The Company has developed the Social Finance Framework, for issuance of Social Bonds in the international market to finance or refinance a portfolio of new and/or existing Eligible Social Projects to promote sustainability. SFL had issued Social bonds worth USD 475 Million in January 2022 and USD 150 Million in March 2023 under the USD 3.5 Billion Global Medium Term Note Programme. Recently, SFL raised USD 750 Million under the same programme. These were raised as per SFL’s Social Finance framework and the proceeds utilized to finance investments in Eligible Social Projects in accordance with International Capital Market Association Social Bond Principles 2018, as permitted by the ECB Guidelines.
  • The governance structure is characterized by effectiveness in board functioning and enhancing shareholder wealth, presence of investor grievance redressal mechanism and extensive disclosures.


There is growing importance of ESG among investors and lenders. SFL’s commitment to ESG principles will play a key role in enhancing stakeholder confidence, given the sizable share of market borrowings in its overall debt and access to both domestic and foreign capital markets

Outlook: Stable

Crisil Ratings believes that SFL will continue to maintain healthy capitalisation and strong earnings profile which will help mitigate inherent asset quality-related challenges. Crisil Ratings also believes that the company will maintain its competitive position in the key business segments

Rating Sensitivity Factors

Upward Factors:

  • Sustainable improvement in asset quality with GNPA improving to under 5% on a sustainable basis with a consequent improvement in earnings profile
  • Diversity in resource profile while maintaining optimal cost of borrowings in comparison to peers


Downward Factors:

  • Deterioration in collection efficiency or asset quality metrics with GNPA remaining higher than 8% or credit costs being higher than historical averages
  • Significant increase in steady-state gearing
  • Inability to raise funds from diversified traditional routes at optimal rates

About the Company

Following the consummation of the merger of SCUF and demerged undertaking of Shriram Capital Limited with SFL (erstwhile STFCL), the company has been renamed to Shriram Finance Ltd (SFL). Shriram Housing Finance Ltd (SHFL) continues to operate as a subsidiary of SFL which holds around 83.78% stake in the former. Pursuant to the consummation of the transaction, Shriram Capital and SCUF ceased to exist. SFL, incorporated in 1979, was registered with RBI as a deposit-taking, asset-financing non-banking financial company and predominantly provides financing for vehicles such as CVs (both pre-owned and new), tractors, and passenger vehicles. Erstwhile SCUF (now merged into SFL) was incorporated in 1986 and operated in the retail financing segment with a focus on small enterprise loans, two-wheeler financing, gold loans, housing loans and others (auto and personal loans).

Key Financial Indicators: SFL consolidated

As on/for year ending






Assets under Management (AUM)

Rs. Cr.





Total income (net of interest expenses)

Rs. Cr.





Profit after tax

Rs. Cr.





Gross NPA (Gross Stage-3)*






On-book gearing






Return on managed assets






*Gross Stage-3 estimated on combined basis for SFL and SHFL




Key Financial Indicators: SFL (Standalone)

As on/for year ending






Assets under Management (AUM)

Rs. Cr.





Total income (net of interest expenses)

Rs. Cr.





Profit after tax

Rs. Cr.





Gross NPA (Gross Stage-3)






On-book gearing






Return on managed assets








Any other information: Not Applicable

Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument:
Crisil Ratings` complexity levels are assigned to various types of financial instruments and are included (where applicable) in the 'Annexure - Details of Instrument' in this Rating Rationale.

Crisil Ratings will disclose complexity level for all securities - including those that are yet to be placed - based on available information. The complexity level for instruments may be updated, where required, in the rating rationale published subsequent to the issuance of the instrument when details on such features are available.

For more details on the Crisil Ratings` complexity levels please visit www.crisilratings.com. Users may also call the Customer Service Helpdesk with queries on specific instruments.

Annexure - Details of Instrument(s)

ISIN Name of Instrument Date of
Rate (%)
Issue Size
Rating Assigned
NA Bank Guarantee NA NA NA 1232 NA Crisil A1+
NA Cash Credit & Working
Capital demand loan
NA NA NA 7984.25 NA Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Commercial Paper NA NA 7 to 365 days 10,500.00 Simple Crisil A1+
INE721A07SG9 Debentures 11-Sep-24 9.10 11-Sep-34 1000 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SF1 Debentures 2-Sep-24 8.86 2-Sep-27 650 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RV0 Debentures 2-Sep-24 9.23 18-May-27 370 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RH9 Debentures 6-Aug-24 8.75 15-Jun-26 690 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SD6 Debentures 24-Sep-24 9.15 28-Jun-29 2050 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SD6 Debentures 6-Aug-24 9.15 28-Jun-29 840 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SE4 Debentures 31-Jul-24 8.75 31-Jul-34 200 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RN7 Debentures 31-Jul-24 8.75 4-May-26 125 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RU2 Debentures 19-Jul-24 9.25 19-Dec-25 221.5 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SD6 Debentures 28-Jun-24 9.15 28-Jun-29 705 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RV0 Debentures 28-Jun-24 9.23 18-May-27 50 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RN7 Debentures 25-Jun-24 8.75 4-May-26 75 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RV0 Debentures 10-Jun-24 9.23 18-May-27 150 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SA2 Debentures 10-Jun-24 9.20 22-May-27 100 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SC8 Debentures 30-May-24 3M OIS + 205 bps 30-May-26 250 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SB0 Debentures 22-May-24 9.20 22-May-26 422.1 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RV0 Debentures 22-May-24 9.23 18-May-27 482 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SA2 Debentures 22-May-24 9.20 22-May-27 596 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RN7 Debentures 8-May-24 8.75 4-May-26 75 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RV0 Debentures 2-May-24 9.23 18-May-27 175 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RU2 Debentures 2-May-24 9.25 19-Dec-25 160 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RW8 Debentures 28-Mar-24 OIS + Spread 1.86 29-Apr-26 733 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RZ1 Debentures 5-Mar-24 9.10 18-Mar-27 271.1 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RY4 Debentures 19-Jan-24 9.15 19-Jan-29 1201 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RX6 Debentures 5-Jan-24 8.75 5-Jan-34 55 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RU2 Debentures 19-Dec-23 9.25 19-Dec-25 1164 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RV0 Debentures 19-Dec-23 9.23 18-May-27 151 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07QT6 Debentures 8-Dec-23 7.40 21-Mar-25 150 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RS6 Debentures 22-Nov-23 8.90 22-Nov-28 325 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RT4 Debentures 22-Nov-23 8.80 22-Nov-33 100 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RQ0 Debentures 3-Oct-23 8.75 5-Oct-26 535 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RR8 Debentures 3-Oct-23 1yr Overnight Indexed Swap 3-Oct-26 300 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07NO4 Debentures 15-Sep-23 8.72 26-May-25 25 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07NO4 Debentures 14-Aug-23 8.72 26-May-25 501 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RP2 Debentures 20-Jul-23 8.90 20-Jul-28 815 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07NO4 Debentures 26-Jun-23 8.72 26-May-25 88 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RO5 Debentures 26-Jun-23 Repo Rate plus Spread 26-Jun-25 400 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RE6 Debentures 2-Jun-23 8.50 18-Oct-32 200 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RL1 Debentures 25-May-23 8.75 28-Apr-28 100 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RN7 Debentures 4-May-23 8.75 4-May-26 265 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RL1 Debentures 28-Apr-23 8.75 28-Apr-28 250 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RM9 Debentures 28-Apr-23 8.55 28-Apr-28 250 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RE6 Debentures 18-Apr-23 8.50 18-Oct-32 30 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RI7 Debentures 21-Mar-23 1yr Overnight Indexed Swap 21-Apr-25 400 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RE6 Debentures 21-Mar-23 8.50 18-Oct-32 50 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RE6 Debentures 15-Mar-23 8.50 18-Oct-32 10 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RH9 Debentures 15-Mar-23 8.75 15-Jun-26 496 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RE6 Debentures 14-Feb-23 8.50 18-Oct-32 35 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RE6 Debentures 5-Dec-22 8.50 18-Oct-32 110 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RE6 Debentures 18-Oct-22 8.50 18-Oct-32 27 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RC0 Debentures 8-Sep-22 8.55 8-Sep-32 200 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07RA4 Debentures 17-Aug-22 8.72 17-Aug-32 3300 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07NO4 Debentures 6-May-22 8.72 26-May-25 25 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07QW0 Debentures 23-Mar-22 7.45 23-Apr-25 250 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07QU4 Debentures 25-Feb-22 8.56 25-Feb-32 900 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07QT6 Debentures 21-Feb-22 7.40 21-Mar-25 150 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07QO7 Debentures 28-Dec-21 8.00 26-Dec-31 25 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07QM1 Debentures 12-Nov-21 8.37 12-Nov-31 2100 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07QG3 Debentures 30-Mar-21 8.00 28-Mar-31 3200 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PZ5 Debentures 29-Oct-20 9.00 29-Oct-30 75 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PJ9 Debentures 28-Jan-20 8.66 28-Jan-25 16.3 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PK7 Debentures 28-Jan-20 8.75 28-Jan-27 13.83 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PM3 Debentures 28-Jan-20 9.00 28-Jan-25 34.7 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PN1 Debentures 28-Jan-20 9.10 28-Jan-27 13.02 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PP6 Debentures 28-Jan-20 Zero Interest 28-Jan-25 15.16 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PA8 Debentures 22-Aug-19 9.31 22-Aug-26 21.04 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PE0 Debentures 22-Aug-19 9.70 22-Aug-26 26.19 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07PH3 Debentures 22-Aug-19 Zero Interest 22-Aug-26 14.23 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07ON4 Debentures 6-Feb-19 9.30 6-Feb-29 26.38 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07OQ7 Debentures 6-Feb-19 9.70 6-Feb-29 34.15 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07OC7 Debentures 2-Nov-18 9.30 2-Nov-28 32.34 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07OF0 Debentures 2-Nov-18 9.70 2-Nov-28 38.98 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07NU1 Debentures 12-Jul-18 9.03 12-Jul-28 49.93 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07NX5 Debentures 12-Jul-18 9.40 12-Jul-28 424.89 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07NO4 Debentures 27-Mar-18 8.72 26-May-25 25 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07NO4 Debentures 26-Mar-18 8.72 26-May-25 10 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07LD1 Debentures 8-Aug-16 8.87 8-Aug-26 110 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07KE1 Debentures 22-Apr-16 9.20 22-Apr-26 26 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07KD3 Debentures 13-Apr-16 9.22 13-Apr-26 179 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07KB7 Debentures 29-Mar-16 9.30 27-Mar-26 145 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07JX3 Debentures 18-Mar-16 9.30 18-Mar-26 100 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SH7 Debentures 24-Oct-24 8.96 24-Oct-27 460 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SI5 Debentures 8-Nov-24 8.93 20-Jul-27 100 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A07SJ3 Debentures 23-Dec-24 8.8912 24-Jan-28 175 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Debentures# NA NA NA 10000 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Debentures# NA NA NA 1547.81 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE722A07BK5 Debentures^ 7-Oct-22 8.30 7-Oct-25 150 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE722A07BI9 Debentures^ 31-May-22 8.85 31-May-32 200 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE722A07BG3 Debentures^ 22-Feb-22 9.00 22-Feb-32 180 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE722A07BE8 Debentures^ 21-Dec-21 9.05 20-Dec-31 600 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE722A07BA6 Debentures^ 21-Sep-21 8.65 21-Sep-31 189 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE722A07AX0 Debentures^ 23-Jul-21 8.75 23-Jul-31 100 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE722A07AV4 Debentures^ 23-Jun-21 9.00 23-Jun-31 100 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Long Term Principal Protected
Market Linked Debentures#
NA NA NA 1,538.70 Highly complex Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable
INE721A07RF3 Long Term Principal Protected
Market Linked Debentures
18-Nov-22 G SEC LINKED 18-Nov-25 30 Highly complex Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable
INE721A07RG1 Long Term Principal Protected
Market Linked Debentures
23-Nov-22 G SEC LINKED 23-Feb-26 50 Highly complex Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable
NA Long-Term Bank Facility NA NA NA 43866.28 NA Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Overdraft Facility NA NA NA 3 NA Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Proposed Long Term
Bank Loan Facility*
NA NA NA 11245.47 NA Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Short-Term Bank Facility NA NA NA 1412 NA Crisil A1+
INE721A08AH3 Subordinated debt 30-Aug-10 11.00 30-Aug-25 29.2 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08AI1 Subordinated debt 9-Sep-10 11.00 9-Sep-25 25 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08AK7 Subordinated debt 15-Oct-10 11.05 15-Oct-28 25 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08CK3 Subordinated debt 29-May-13 10.00 29-May-28 15 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08CW8 Subordinated debt 1-Dec-16 8.50 1-Dec-26 60 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08CX6 Subordinated debt 29-Dec-16 8.50 29-Dec-26 75 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08CY4 Subordinated debt 17-Oct-17 8.20 15-Oct-27 294 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08CZ1 Subordinated debt 23-Mar-18 9.00 23-Mar-28 100 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DA2 Subordinated debt 28-Mar-18 9.00 28-Mar-28 995 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DB0 Subordinated debt 28-Mar-18 8.95 28-Apr-25 40 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DD6 Subordinated debt 12-Dec-18 10.51 12-Dec-28 35 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DH7 Subordinated debt 20-Jun-24 9.10 20-Jun-34 150 Simple Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DG9 Subordinated debt 25-Oct-22 8.75 25-Oct-32 115 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DG9 Subordinated debt 21-Feb-23 8.75 25-Oct-32 50 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DG9 Subordinated debt 19-May-23 8.75 25-Oct-32 50 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DH7 Subordinated debt 19-Sep-24 9.10 20-Jun-34 100 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DH7 Subordinated debt 21-Aug-24 9.10 20-Jun-34 100 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
INE721A08DH7 Subordinated debt 24-Jul-24 9.10 20-Jun-34 100 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Subordinated debt# NA NA NA 1000 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable
NA Subordinated debt# NA NA NA 172.11 Complex Crisil AA+/Stable

#Yet to be issued
^transferred from Shriram City Union Finance Limited upon its merger into Shriram Finance Limited

*Interchangeable with short-term bank facilities


Annexure - Details of Rating Withdrawn

ISIN Name Of Instrument Date of Allotment Coupon Rate (%) Maturity Date Issue Size (Rs.Crore) Complexity Levels Rating Outstanding with Outlook
INE721A08DE4 Subordinated Debt 31-Dec-18 10.25 27-Dec-24 550 Complex Withdrawn
INE722A07BJ7 Long Term Principal Protected
Market Linked Debentures^
15-Sep-22 GSEC Linked 15-Nov-24 400 Highly Complex Withdrawn
INE722A07BH1 Long Term Principal Protected
Market Linked Debentures^
18-May-22 GSEC Linked 18-Nov-24 579.9 Highly Complex Withdrawn

^transferred from Shriram City Union Finance Limited upon its merger into Shriram Finance Limited

Annexure – List of entities consolidated

Names of Entities Consolidated

Extent of Consolidation

Rationale for Consolidation

Shriram Automall India Limited

Equity method


Annexure - Rating History for last 3 Years
  Current 2025 (History) 2024  2023  2022  Start of 2022
Instrument Type Outstanding Amount Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Rating
Fund Based Facilities LT/ST 64511.0 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+   -- 27-11-24 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ 23-10-23 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ 31-12-22 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+
      --   -- 23-10-24 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ 08-05-23 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ 27-09-22 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 27-09-24 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ 07-02-23 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ 27-06-22 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 20-08-24 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ 30-01-23 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ 23-06-22 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 02-07-24 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+   -- 30-03-22 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 28-05-24 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+   -- 07-02-22 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 07-02-24 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+   --   -- --
Non-Fund Based Facilities ST 1232.0 Crisil A1+   -- 27-11-24 Crisil A1+ 23-10-23 Crisil A1+ 31-12-22 Crisil A1+ Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+
      --   -- 23-10-24 Crisil A1+ 08-05-23 Crisil A1+ 27-09-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 27-09-24 Crisil A1+ 07-02-23 Crisil A1+ 27-06-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 20-08-24 Crisil A1+ 30-01-23 Crisil A1+ 23-06-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 02-07-24 Crisil A1+   -- 30-03-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 28-05-24 Crisil A1+   -- 07-02-22 Crisil AA+/Stable / Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 07-02-24 Crisil A1+   --   -- --
Commercial Paper ST 10500.0 Crisil A1+   -- 27-11-24 Crisil A1+ 23-10-23 Crisil A1+ 31-12-22 Crisil A1+ Crisil A1+
      --   -- 23-10-24 Crisil A1+ 08-05-23 Crisil A1+ 27-09-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 27-09-24 Crisil A1+ 07-02-23 Crisil A1+ 27-06-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 20-08-24 Crisil A1+ 30-01-23 Crisil A1+ 23-06-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 02-07-24 Crisil A1+   -- 30-03-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 28-05-24 Crisil A1+   -- 07-02-22 Crisil A1+ --
      --   -- 07-02-24 Crisil A1+   --   -- --
Fixed Deposits LT   --   --   --   -- 23-06-22 Withdrawn F AAA/Stable
      --   --   --   -- 30-03-22 F AAA/Stable --
      --   --   --   -- 07-02-22 F AAA/Stable --
Non Convertible Debentures LT 43806.65 Crisil AA+/Stable   -- 27-11-24 Crisil AA+/Stable 23-10-23 Crisil AA+/Stable 31-12-22 Crisil AA+/Stable Crisil AA+/Stable
      --   -- 23-10-24 Crisil AA+/Stable 08-05-23 Crisil AA+/Stable 27-09-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 27-09-24 Crisil AA+/Stable 07-02-23 Crisil AA+/Stable 27-06-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 20-08-24 Crisil AA+/Stable 30-01-23 Crisil AA+/Stable 23-06-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 02-07-24 Crisil AA+/Stable   -- 30-03-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 28-05-24 Crisil AA+/Stable   -- 07-02-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 07-02-24 Crisil AA+/Stable   --   -- --
Subordinated Debt LT 4080.31 Crisil AA+/Stable   -- 27-11-24 Crisil AA+/Stable 23-10-23 Crisil AA+/Stable 31-12-22 Crisil AA+/Stable Crisil AA+/Stable
      --   -- 23-10-24 Crisil AA+/Stable 08-05-23 Crisil AA+/Stable 27-09-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 27-09-24 Crisil AA+/Stable 07-02-23 Crisil AA+/Stable 27-06-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 20-08-24 Crisil AA+/Stable 30-01-23 Crisil AA+/Stable 23-06-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 02-07-24 Crisil AA+/Stable   -- 30-03-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 28-05-24 Crisil AA+/Stable   -- 07-02-22 Crisil AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 07-02-24 Crisil AA+/Stable   --   -- --
Long Term Principal Protected Market Linked Debentures LT 1618.7 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable   -- 27-11-24 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable 23-10-23 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable 31-12-22 Crisil PPMLD AA+ r /Stable Crisil PPMLD AA+ r /Stable
      --   -- 23-10-24 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable 08-05-23 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable 27-09-22 Crisil PPMLD AA+ r /Stable --
      --   -- 27-09-24 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable 07-02-23 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable 27-06-22 Crisil PPMLD AA+ r /Stable --
      --   -- 20-08-24 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable 30-01-23 Crisil PPMLD AA+ r /Stable 23-06-22 Crisil PPMLD AA+ r /Stable --
      --   -- 02-07-24 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable   -- 30-03-22 Crisil PPMLD AA+ r /Stable --
      --   -- 28-05-24 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable   -- 07-02-22 Crisil PPMLD AA+ r /Stable --
      --   -- 07-02-24 Crisil PPMLD AA+/Stable   --   -- --
All amounts are in Rs.Cr.
Annexure - Details of Bank Lenders & Facilities
Facility Amount (Rs.Crore) Name of Lender Rating
Bank Guarantee 900 Deutsche Bank A. G. Crisil A1+
Bank Guarantee 325 Axis Bank Limited Crisil A1+
Bank Guarantee 2 IndusInd Bank Limited Crisil A1+
Bank Guarantee 5 Bank of India Crisil A1+
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 350 RBL Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 150 ICICI Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 5 The Federal Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 150 Bank of Baroda Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 150 UCO Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 290 Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 6 Bandhan Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 20 SBM Bank (India) Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 50 DCB Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 1 The Karur Vysya Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 450 DBS Bank India Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 200 Citibank N. A. Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 704.75 Punjab National Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 550 YES Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 977.5 Standard Chartered Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 10 Barclays Bank Plc. Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 550 State Bank of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 200 Central Bank Of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 700 Axis Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 300 Bank of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 200 Canara Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 300 IndusInd Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 200 HDFC Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 300 Indian Overseas Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 250 Union Bank of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 60 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 550 Indian Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 10 City Union Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Cash Credit & Working Capital Demand Loan 300 Mizuho Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 974.99 Punjab and Sind Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 5424.11 Small Industries Development Bank of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 2897.56 Union Bank of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 51.67 Woori Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 4.17 KEB Hana Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 39.99 CSB Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 4933.54 Canara Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 77.75 DCB Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 72.73 Nabkisan Finance Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 424.85 Bandhan Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 26.8 Maybank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 14.04 Dhanlaxmi Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 148.48 The Karur Vysya Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 799.48 UCO Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 12.54 Jana Small Finance Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 85 CTBC Bank Co Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 292.26 Indian Overseas Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 242.08 Bajaj Finance Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 928.57 HDFC Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 378.82 Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 49.96 Equitas Small Finance Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 220.83 Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 1033.53 DBS Bank India Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 40 Doha Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 1842.08 Bank of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 423.94 Central Bank Of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 3459.97 Punjab National Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 125 Tata Capital Financial Services Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 666.02 The Federal Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 1166.59 Bank of Maharashtra Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 3.33 YES Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 786.11 IndusInd Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 155.09 The South Indian Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 300 Deutsche Bank A. G. Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 38.58 State Bank of India Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 200 BNP Paribas Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 2731.54 Axis Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 3748.74 Bank of Baroda Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 88.8 IDBI Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 101.67 Emirates NBD Bank PJSC Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 1682.08 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 100 Citibank N. A. Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 3610.5 Indian Bank Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 187.49 City Union Bank Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Long Term Bank Facility 3275 National Bank For Agriculture and Rural Development Crisil AA+/Stable
Overdraft Facility 3 ANZ Banking Group Limited Crisil AA+/Stable
Proposed Long Term Bank Loan Facility& 2500 Not Applicable Crisil AA+/Stable
Proposed Long Term Bank Loan Facility& 8745.47 Not Applicable Crisil AA+/Stable
Short Term Bank Facility 330 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Crisil A1+
Short Term Bank Facility 700 Citibank N. A. Crisil A1+
Short Term Bank Facility 382 Citibank N. A. Crisil A1+
&Interchangeable with short-term bank facilities
Criteria Details
Links to related criteria
Rating Criteria for Finance Companies
CRISILs Bank Loan Ratings - process, scale and default recognition
Rating criteria for hybrid debt instruments of NBFCs/HFCs
CRISILs Criteria for Consolidation
CRISILs Criteria for rating short term debt

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Crisil Ratings Limited
B:+91 22 6137 3000

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Crisil Ratings Limited
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Toll free Number:1800 267 1301

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About Crisil Ratings Limited (A subsidiary of Crisil Limited, an S&P Global Company)

Crisil Ratings pioneered the concept of credit rating in India in 1987. With a tradition of independence, analytical rigour and innovation, we set the standards in the credit rating business. We rate the entire range of debt instruments, such as bank loans, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, non-convertible/convertible/partially convertible bonds and debentures, perpetual bonds, bank hybrid capital instruments, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, partial guarantees and other structured debt instruments. We have rated over 33,000 large and mid-scale corporates and financial institutions. We have also instituted several innovations in India in the rating business, including ratings for municipal bonds, partially guaranteed instruments and infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs).

Crisil Ratings Limited ('Crisil Ratings') is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Crisil Limited ('Crisil'). Crisil Ratings Limited is registered in India as a credit rating agency with the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI").

For more information, visit www.crisilratings.com 


About Crisil Limited

Crisil is a leading, agile and innovative global analytics company driven by its mission of making markets function better. 

It is India’s foremost provider of ratings, data, research, analytics and solutions with a strong track record of growth, culture of innovation, and global footprint.

It has delivered independent opinions, actionable insights, and efficient solutions to over 100,000 customers through businesses that operate from India, the US, the UK, Argentina, Poland, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

It is majority owned by S&P Global Inc, a leading provider of transparent and independent ratings, benchmarks, analytics and data to the capital and commodity markets worldwide.

For more information, visit www.crisil.com


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Crisil Ratings uses the prefix 'PP-MLD' for the ratings of principal-protected market-linked debentures (PPMLD) with effect from November 1, 2011, to comply with the SEBI circular, "Guidelines for Issue and Listing of Structured Products/Market Linked Debentures". The revision in rating symbols for PPMLDs should not be construed as a change in the rating of the subject instrument. For details on Crisil Ratings' use of 'PP-MLD' please refer to the notes to Rating scale for Debt Instruments and Structured Finance Instruments at the following link: https://www.crisilratings.com/en/home/our-business/ratings/credit-ratings-scale.html